Your Vote Counts 2023: Proposition 6

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – On the ballot, Proposition 6 will appear as follows: “The constitutional amendment creating the Texas Water Fund to assist in financing water projects in this state.”

The Texas Water Fund already exists, it was passed by the state legislature this year in Senate Bill 28. Proposition 6 will add the fund into the state constitution.

If it’s passed, the Texas Water Fund will receive $1 billion to use for different water infrastructure projects.

The money will come from the state’s economic stabilization fund, which simply put is the state’s ‘rainy day fund.’

A nonprofit supporter of Proposition 6, the Water Environment Association of Texas, says the goal of the measure is to improve water access for Texans.

“Better our water security, our water availability, and the everyday life of taking us back to just turning on the faucet and having clean water to drink,” director Julie Nahrgang said.

More details on Proposition 6 from the Texas Water Development Board can be found here.

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