Voices For Children seeking shoppers, donors for back-to-school drive

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – For kids in the foster care system, school can be stressful and challenging.

“If they are placed in a new home, they might also be in a new school and having to make new friends and learn new systems,” said Amy Faulkner.

Faulkner is Voices For Children’s executive director and said constant change can bring out a lot of emotions.

“Sometimes it can bring about feelings of uncertainty or anxiety or fear of the unknown,” she added.

The nonprofit’s back-to-school drive, Shop For CASA, aims to ease those feelings by ensuring kids start the school year with two new outfits and a backpack.

“We really want kids to be successful in school, to be excited and eager to learn and I think a new outfit is just a small way that we can help set kids up for success,” Faulkner said.

Voices For Children needs community members to support this initiative by shopping for kids, giving a gift card or donating money.

“We’re serving 172 kids as of today, and we have about 80 kids – about half of our kids – [who] still don’t have shoppers,” Faulkner said.

To sign up and select an option, click here.

Along with impacting kids, it’ll do the same for their guardians, according to Faulkner.

“Some of our kids are placed with relatives or relatives who have opened their home to maybe one, two or three additional kids that they weren’t planning on having in their home, so it’s a great way for us to support those relative placements, kinship places, even our foster placements,” said Faulkner.

The deadline to participate is July 15.

Voices For Children is located at 115 North Main Street in Bryan.

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