Valentine’s Day is coming plus two other romantic holidays

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It’s a romantic holiday celebrating loved ones and couples. Typical gifts given on this special day include flowers and chocolate.

But what about other types of couples or those that are single? For future planning after Valentine’s Day, there are two other holidays centered around love and relationships for both couples and singles.

White Day is every year on March 14. It is essentially the Sadie Hawkin’s version of Valentine’s Day where the woman gives the man a gift. It is primarily celebrated by eating white chocolate. The holiday originated in Japan in the 1970s.

Black Day is every year on April 14. It is essentially Valentine’s Day for single people. It is primarily celebrated by eating noodles. The holiday originated in Korea in the 1970s.

Will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day, White Day, or Black Day this holiday season? Let us know in the comments.

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