Trick or Treat safety advice from Bryan Police

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Halloween is Tuesday, so the fun doesn’t stop with the weekend.

We have some safety reminders as you head out door to door with your kids in costume.

KBTX spoke with Bryan Police spokesperson Kole Taylor who says if you have young kids, stay with them, remind others if they’re going trick or treating and make sure they don’t go inside the houses of strangers.

He says while it’s rare they see somebody maliciously do anything with candy, it’s a good idea to check it anyway and make sure it’s not open.

Taylor also suggests bringing a flashlight, wearing reflective items and staying alert as more people are out.

“If you are going to be driving that night, maybe take a little extra time, slow down, make sure to check crosswalks. And the same goes for people out walking. Make sure to cross the streets at crosswalks, make sure to look both ways before you cross the street,” said Taylor.

He adds if you are going out and drinking, designate a driver or use a ride-share.

He says the department is always fully staffed on Halloween for your safety.

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