The Vibe on Harvey weighs in on resident safety following shooting death of 17 year old

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Employees at The Vibe on Harvey are speaking up after police reported 17 year old Richard Elijah Hilton was shot and killed at the complex Sunday night.

Staff told KBTX that Hilton was not a resident of the apartment complex.

On Monday, property staff met with residents and police, giving those who live at the complex a chance to have questions answered and give feedback.

KBTX still has not had an on-camera interview with the College Station Police Department. A spokesperson told KBTX updates regarding the case will be shared on social media, and questions regarding the case will not be answered.

As a result, no information has been released that identifies a potential suspect. Police said in a Facebook post Monday that they believe the incident is isolated.

However, officers did meet with apartment residents. Clarrisa Suarez, an employee of the complex, said residents asked questions about how to call and report suspicious activity.

Meanwhile, employees said they’re doing what they can to assist as the investigation continues.

“If the police department needs us and they need us to pull footage, we have no problem. We’re happy to assist the best way that we can,” employee Lesley Bajgoric said.

In November of 2023, a new management company, Original Management, took over the property. Since staff said work is being done to make the complex, and the community, a safer place.

After meeting with residents, those efforts are moving forward.

“We’re going to go through and mark all of our map, and go through every single breezeway, every little part of our property that needs extra lighting,” Bajgoric said.

According to Bajgoric, the complex is in the final steps of hiring a security company to patrol the property, and plan to add additional security cameras and lighting.

Currently, the complex has one courtesy officer on staff.

”If what is needed is to bring back the security company with the care and more safety for them, just so they can feel safe and reassured. That’s what we’re here for,” Bajgoric said.

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