Texas A&M students pack Kyle Field, camp out to secure game tickets

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Texas A&M students have started securing their maroon tickets to Saturday’s A&M v. Alabama game.

Many students have spent at least a week camping out to get a ticket. Senior Samson Rodriguez and his five friends brought a tent, pillows, blankets and snacks to secure a good spot in line.

“Me and my friends took shifts,” Rodriguez said. “Whenever we had a class, somebody else would fill in.”

Rodriguez attends a majority of the home games but typically doesn’t camp out for them. He said Saturday’s game is special.

Rodriguez’s friend, Emmah Rhadle is a freshman and camped out for the first time to secure a ticket. She said it took a lot of mental preparation.

“It got hot throughout the night,” Rhadle said. “Our tent was like a three-person tent so it worked out for us, but people had huge setups like TVs, couches, lamps, generators, everything you can think of.”

For senior Lauren Maciariello, she missed last year’s game against Alabama but was committed to not missing it this year. She and her fiancé started camping out Sunday night.

“We came out around 10 p.m. with nothing, just snacks and a blanket and laid on the concrete,” Maciariello said.

Maciariello, like many other students, is anticipating a win Saturday and is already looking forward to rushing the field.

“We have first deck tickets, so I’m ready to rush the field and celebrate with my fellow Aggies,” Maciariello said.

Kick-off for Saturday’s game against Alabama is 2:30 p.m.

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