Sunday services are still planned at church damaged by fire

NEW TABOR, Texas (KBTX) – The faithful are forging ahead Sunday with services despite a large fire that consumed a church building on Thursday near Caldwell.

Next to the scorched building, New Tabor Brethren Church’s fellowship hall is still standing and utilities were restored on Friday.

Following Sunday services, a lunch is planned to help the church family come together and heal.

Wednesday’s fire was not the first time the church has dealt with challenging times. In August 1915, a tornado struck the community and demolished the church. The church weathered the storm, rebuilt, and dedicated the building later that year.

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In October last year, KBTX featured the church as it celebrated 130 years of service and worship.

“The building’s on fire, we are not, and what has ministered to this community is intact, it’s not a loss,” said Pastor David Johnson. “It’s incredible that on Wednesday the building was fine, everything was wonderful, and then today it just reminds me of how quickly things can change and how we respond to them.”

As far as the cause of the fire, that remains under investigation.

“It’s going to be a long haul, but we’re going to make it, you know. A part of scripture tells us that when trouble comes, God provides a way out, and he’s going to because this isn’t ours; it belongs to him, and he’s going to take care of his own,” said Johnson.

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