StageCenter to present drama “Whose Life is it, Anyway?”

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – A brilliant battle of the wits takes place in an upcoming StageCenter Theatre play.

“Whose Life is it, Anyway?” is written by Brian Clark and directed by Nancy Woods.

The story centers around Ken Harrison, a successful sculptor, who is paralyzed in a car accident and kept alive by support systems in a hospital. Outwardly he’s cheerful and often very funny, but he’s overwhelmed by the fact that he has lost control of his own life. As the play begins, he is deciding that if he can’t live as a man, he does not want to exist as a medical achievement. His physician, however, is determined to preserve Ken’s life, regardless of its quality. Finally, despite the pleas of the doctor and his involved nurse, Ken invokes the law of habeas corpus and a judge joins the battle to determine “Whose Life Is It Anyway?”

Shows will take place Thursdays through Saturdays, Feb. 8 through Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m. with a Sunday matinee on Feb. 18 at 2 p.m. StageCenter Theatre is located at 218 N. Bryan Street in Downtown Bryan.

General admission is $18 and $15 students/seniors.

You can purchase tickets at the box office or online.

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