Simplified space specialist shares tips to organize for spring

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Spring is here, so you may be thinking about getting organized.

Although it can be overwhelming, there are simple things to help you get started or back on track.

That’s why a simplified space specialist, Andrea Buck, joined BVTM Monday to share some tips.

A tool she recommends to get started is the GoCleanCo Spring Cleaning Challenge 2024 guide. It breaks down the areas of your home you can organize and a checklist to stay on track.

One thing suggested is using powdered Tide and hot water to clean spaces of your home including walls, surfaces and cabinets.

“It makes it simple because you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started cleaning but then you’re going to also have what you need and be able to get started with this free guide,” Buck said.

Buck’s tips for organizing other areas of your home are below.

Transition Your Closet

It’s a great time to start thinking through your closet and what you’ll do with the winter clothes you won’t need for the time being.

Buck recommends putting them in bins under your bed or moving them to other parts of your closet.

“You’re just not going to need these things,” Buck said.

Before putting those things away, you can also evaluate how often you’ve worn the pieces, if you’ll want to wear them again and possible stains on them.

“This is the time to go through your stuff before you pack it away or move it to a different location, see if there are things you want to either donate or give to a friend or just need to throw away. Honestly, if it has stains on it or something, you’re not going to wear it again,” Buck said.

Declutter Pantry

The pantry can be one of the most neglected spaces because they’re constantly in use, according to Buck.

“This is the time with spring cleaning to really go through, see what’s expired, see what you haven’t used and just toss it,” Buck said. “If you haven’t used that product in a couple of months, you’re probably not going to so clear it out.”

To organize your pantry, Buck suggests using what you have.

“There are these beautiful and amazing pantries but here’s the reality, they need to serve us and you don’t need to go out and spend a ton of money just to have these beautiful bins,” Buck said.

The simplified space specialist uses inexpensive bins from Walmart in her pantry.

She said bins can be organized by category like canned goods and breakfast bars or by meals. For example, you can group pasta sauces and noodles together if you plan to cook those throughout the week.

“That way I know when I’m ready to make that meal, I have everything I need,” Buck said.

Clean Out Medicine Cabinet

Just like your pantry, it’s good to go through your medicine cabinet to see if anything has expired. If it has, toss it.

“This is a great time to go through those medications, take inventory of what you have, make a list of what you need and purchase those items,” Buck said.

Buck also recommends thinking about what you may need to restock on for summer like Band-Aids and Neosporin.

For more tips, you can follow Buck on Instagram here.

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