Rural school districts cast their votes on chaplains in counselor roles

HEARNE, Texas (KBTX) – School districts across the state have until March 1 to cast their votes on Senate Bill 763, which allows chaplains to be hired in roles traditionally filled by counselors.

Hearne ISD became one of the latest school districts to make their decision, meeting Monday to discuss. After consideration, the district decided to keep their policy as is.

Superintendent Adrain Johnson said school counselors do much more than just offer mental health services to students. Counselors also provide class, college, and career advice that requires extensive training.

Under Senate Bill 763, chaplains would not have to undergo a similar training.

“I can’t imagine someone coming into a role like that and not having the training and background to do the kind of work that takes to be a counselor on the management side, and not just on the social emotional side,” Dr. Johnson said.

Navasota ISD voted on the law in January, sharing a similar stance to Hearne ISD.

“Navasota ISD does not have chaplain positions that we’ve created or something, or, or counseling chaplains. But they are welcome to apply for any position that we have open,” Dr. Stu Musick, Navasota ISD superintendent, said.

Dr. Johnson said the board recommended against approving the policy, but also encourages those from faith-based organizations to apply for available opportunities.

Texas lawmakers passed Senate Bill 763 during the last legislative special sessions. It allows chaplains to work as counselors in public schools.

However, both superintendents said they already have relationships with faith-based groups in their respective communities.

“The local churches and ministries are part of our community and we always welcome them,” Dr. Johnson said.

According to Dr. Musick, Navasota ISD met with their local religious leaders for guidance on their decision.

“Making good decisions and the right decisions for how to best serve our students and our community. And so they said let us know if you need anything,” he added.

Dr. Johnson said Hearne ISD might revisit their vote at the start of next school year, depending on the needs of the district.

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