Roadwork improvements begin on I&GN Road in Brazos County

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The following news release has been shared by Brazos County Road and Bridge Operations:

Full reconstruction is underway in precinct one of the I&GN / Straub / Stousland roads pavement structure from the intersection of Greens Prairie to the intersection at Saddle Creek Drive.

Motorists will experience lane closures and travel delays during the reconstruction process.

Beginning March 11, 2024, there will be a full road closure from Greens Prairie Road to Straub Road near Dymple Lane. Detours will be set up, and traffic will only be allowed to access local driveways.

Around June 30, there will be a second full road closure from Straub Road near Dymple Lane to the intersection of Stousland Road and Saddle Creek Drive. Detours will be set up, and traffic will only be allowed to access local driveways.

These closures will allow for culvert crossing installation and realignment of the roadway to eliminate the existing sharp curves in the road.

Motorists and pedestrians should allow the contractor crews and equipment plenty of room to do their work. Please be observant of detours and flagging personnel. The contractor will work to minimize delays. Daily cooperation is greatly appreciated.

The project will include the following:

• Demolition, mixing, and reusing existing HMAC pavement, base and subgrade;

• Demolition, mixing and reinstallation of existing driveways and driveway culverts, including installation of safety end treatments;

• Grading of proposed roadway and roadside ditches;

• Installation of new crossing culverts;

• Installation of approximately 7260 linear feet of asphalt pavement section;

• Guardrail and slope paving;

• Striping and signage;

• Traffic Control, Erosion Control.

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