Residents express concerns over potential Bryan Animal Center relocation

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -The City of Bryan is looking at relocating the Bryan Animal Center to another city-owned piece of land.

The property being considered is near Moss Street and East Martin Luther King Jr. Street around the area of the East Park neighborhood.

NAACP Brazos County Branch Secretary Ann Boney says that residents weren’t informed of the relocation in their area and didn’t have a chance for their concerns to be heard.

“We were not informed beforehand they were considering it,” Boney said. “We are taxpaying individuals. If you’re going to put something in our neighborhood, surely we should have an open forum so we can voice our opinion on how we feel.”

Councilman Ray Arrington tabled the animal center relocation for the next meeting and says all options are being considered that will benefit the city and the growth of Bryan Animal Center.

There will be a Town Hall on Saturday at 10 a.m. to discuss the potential relocation of the Bryan Animal Center near East Park.

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