President George H.W. Bush’s 100th birthday celebrated with cake and ice cream

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum wrapped up a week of events with a Community Celebration Day in honor of what would have been the former president’s 100th birthday.

Thursday’s festivities included the grand opening of the Marine One/4141 Locomotive Pavilion, parachute jumps by President Bush’s grandchildren and a birthday cake and ice cream reception.

“The 100th birthday celebration is so special. Ice cream, cake, popcorn, it’s been like a carnival so it’s been so much fun,” said community member Andress Koenning. “It’s just really special to be a part of that, you do feel a special connection with him.”

Thursday’s birthday reception had two special guests, Reveille X and Sully Bush, the president’s former service dog.

Members of the public could meet and take pictures with the dogs.

“Sully went to the president shortly after Mrs. Bush had passed away. The president wanted some private time and Sully was able to create that for him, some space, and just some time to focus and clear his thoughts,” said John Miller, the President and CEO of America’s VetDogs.

One of the volunteers at the reception, Ann Hays, has been at the Bush Library for 27 years.

“It’s his, would have been, his 100th birthday and he was such a neat, giving person,” said Hays.

Hays says Bush couldn’t be more deserving of this three day celebration and hopes he’s looking down at it with a smile.

“He was very very friendly and I remember one time his grandchildren were in here and he came over and got me and said ‘Ann would you take them in there to see the movie?’ and he was just so, like one of us almost,” said Hays.

The new Director of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, Dawn Hammantt, says the reception was a great way for people to celebrate the former president and then make their way into the new President Bush exhibit “The Spirit of the Place” that demonstrates the history behind George H.W. Bush choosing Texas A&M University to hold the Bush Library and Museum.

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