“Pardo Push” painting gifted to Hearne Railroad Depot

HEARNE, Texas (KBTX) – In Hearne, a “Pardo Push” painting was gifted to the Hearne Railroad Museum Depot.

The painting depicts the “Pardo Push”, the real-life events of Lieutenant Colonel John “Bob” Pardo pushing his wingman’s plane to safety after it ran out of fuel.

There are 1,000 copies of the painting, and Bob Pardo gave 7 of them to the pilot’s siblings.

Pardo’s nephew, George Bill Palmos III, said his mother had the painting for over 40 years. Now, he’s gifting it to the Hearne Railroad Museum Depot to keep the history alive.

Since it’s in family history, I thought it would be best that it return home to Hearne, Texas where Uncle Bob was born since there wasn’t one here,” said Palmos.

The painting includes Lt. Colonel Pardo, his wingman, Captain Earl Aman, and the artist’s signatures.

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