Over 6,300 Aggies are receiving their Aggie rings this week

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Over 6,300 Aggies are receiving their Aggie rings by the end of the week.

At the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center, lines stretched out to Aggie Park where students were anxiously awaiting the moment that Aggie Gold was placed on their finger.

Ellie Kolb, a junior at Texas A&M is a second-generation Aggie after her dad. Ellie’s journey to get her ring hasn’t been an easy one but she said the hard work is worth it.

“I take a lot of science classes, I’ve been working in a research lab, I’ve been working a part-time job on campus and I still have another year and a half but I am super excited to get my ring. It’s super special, it’s something I’ll get to wear forever and identify myself as an Aggie,” Kolb said.

Aggie Ring Day started Wednesday and runs through Friday.

An estimated 60,000 family and guests will be in and out of the Alumni Center for the special moment.

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