Mosquitoes in Brazos County test positive for West Nile Virus

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The Brazos County Heath District says mosquito samples collected in the area have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV).

The WNV-positive mosquitoes were collected from a trap in the 77803 zip code of Bryan, but the Health District says people should assume any mosquito in Brazos County may be carrying West Nile.

All Brazos County residents are urged to use the 4D’s to reduce exposure to mosquitoes:

DEET all day, every day: Whenever outside, use insect repellents that have the active ingredient DEET or other EPA-registered repellents and always follow label instructionsDress: Wear long, loose, and light-colored clothing outsideDrain: Drain or treat all standing water in and around your home or workplace where mosquitoes could lay eggsAll day long: Limit your time outdoors, mosquitoes are active any time day or night

West Nile Virus is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

Mild symptoms include:

headachefeverbody achesjoint painsnauseafatigue

Signs and symptoms of mild disease may last a few days. According to the Health District about one out of 150 people infected with the virus will develop a more severe form of the disease.

Signs and symptoms of severe disease may include:

headachehigh feverneck stiffnessstupordisorientationcomatremorsconvulsionsmuscle weaknessparalysis

Signs and Symptoms of severe disease may last several weeks or months. Rarely, death can occur.

There are no medications to treat or vaccines to prevent West Nile Virus infection.

According to the Health District, West Nile Virus was last detected in Brazos County mosquitoes in September 2021.

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