Local artists featured at BVSO’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Music Director Marcelo Bussiki will conduct the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra’s largest orchestra of the season, “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

The concert will begin with a favorite of many, “Claire de lune” and finish with a thrilling rendition of “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

The program also includes unique works by French composer Maurice Ravel and Brazilian Heitor Villa-Lobos.

The concert is at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 18 at Rudder Auditorium.

Before the concert at 4 p.m., the BVSO invites all concert-goers to attend a pre-concert reception with a cash bar and light appetizers in the Rudder Exhibit Hall.

In keeping with the theme of the concert, local and nationally renowned artist Benjamin Knox will be offering quick sketches of patrons. There will also be local artists’ works on display around the exhibition hall.

For ticket information, go to bvso.org.

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