From The Ground Up: Producing a quality product

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The trials and tribulations farmers face due to a competitive cattle market and rising prices of food and fertilizer are on display now more than ever.

“People don’t realize constant battles over the cattle market,” said Robertson County Rancher Lisa Rolke. “The cost of input, fuel, fertilizer and feed is so high now. Even with calf prices going up, it’s still going to be a struggle to make money in the cattle business.”

Rolke also hopes to help consumers understand exactly where there food comes from

“Farmers grew those crops and put many months of agony and blood, sweat and tears into producing those crops. The same way we do with the cattle. It takes a lot to get a calf to a weight where they can go into a feed lot.”

Rolke manages around 400 cows on her family ranch.

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