From the Ground Up: Equine industry filled with job opportunity

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – If you looked into the horse industry, you’d know they’re hiring. Craig Huffhines, director of the Texas A&M Institute for Equine Sciences, says growing up on a farm is not a requirement to break into the industry.

As the equine industry grows, so does the need to fill the many jobs it requires.

“We need more students to become veterinarians, to become acquainted with horsemanship activities to be able to run facilities, barns, vet techs, trainers. There is great demand for that,” said Huffhines.

Right now, many equine practitioners are retiring, and they’re not filling the gaps fast enough.

“The vet community is looking for equine practitioners and we’re not producing equine practitioners as quickly as we’re seeing the retirement of equine practitioners,” said Huffhines.

But the background of the incoming workforce is changing.

“What we’re seeing also is as we see fewer and fewer students come from rural backgrounds, we’re seeing students come from suburban urban backgrounds,” he said.

With that change, Texas A&M is working to bring hands-on opportunities to students so they can quickly learn if the industry is for them.

“We’re really working hard to provide experiential learning opportunities for them so that they can quickly get up to speed, decide whether or not they have interest in a career path in the equestrian industry,” said Huffines.

Huffhines is sure though, one they dip their toe, they won’t be able to get enough.

“When they take that opportunity, they fall in love with it.”

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