Former Bryan Councilman heading to competition in New York City with quartet

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Former Bryan Councilman, Brent Hariston, is heading to New York City with three other Texans to compete in the Seniors International Quartet Competition.

This is happening on Saturday, January 13. It comes after the group, the Wayfarers, won first place among four southeast states. The men are from all across Texas and bring their passions together for the competitions.

The Wayfarers joined forces less than a year ago, bringing decades of experience together.

“We love singing Barbershop. We love the harmonizing together. It’s a great release all of us. Enjoy. The fact that that hobby takes you away from the pressures and stresses of the world and you just have fun harmonizing with one another we formed back in probably February of last year very quickly got things together,” Hariston said.

The competition can be purchased for streaming here. View performances by the group here.

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