Focus at Four: B/CS Chamber of Commerce discusses twin city growth

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – As the year comes to a close, the Bryan College Station Chamber of Commerce joined First News at Four on Thursday to discuss how the twin cities have grown over the past year.

Jason Cornelius with the B/CS Chamber of Commerce said both cities have experienced steady growth in the local business community. He said there were 215 new chamber members this year and well over 100 ribbon cuttings.

As to what makes the B/CS area so attractive for business, Cornelius said its that steady growth that companies seek.

“We have a great workforce that is continuing to grow, we have an economic generator like A&M that is going to be attractive, so everything that some companies are looking for maybe in those larger communities they can find here but with a much for fertile growing ground for them,” Cornelius said.

For the businesses that have been in the area, Cornelius said they’ve been able to find that “additional work capital” to be able to grow and continue to be sustainable in the community.

“Again you have A&M, you have the Texas Workforce Commission, you have Blinn that are doing those things to continue to have our workforce, continue to be educated and stronger, and that makes things so much better whether it’s a new company or a company that is looking to locate here. Workforce is always going to be key and we have that here in Bryan College Station.”

Cornelius said another part of bringing people into the area and keeping them here is making sure there is entertainment.

“Those are some of the other things that you want to look for is that entertainment and recreation for things, but our economy continues to be a very fertile ground for any type of business that wants to look and establish themselves here,” Cornelius said.

Something the chamber is starting to realize is many college students believe they have to leave for the big city once they graduate, but Cornelis said they’re hoping to change that mentality.

“We’re hoping to be the catalyst for that, that you don’t have to graduate and leave,” Cornelius said. “You can actually be very successful here and something even at a faster pace because it’s just a little bit smaller than some of those larger cities to actually be able to improve where you are at your job level a little bit faster.

Heading into 2024 Cornelius predicts that growth will remain strong.

“This is always going to be a place that companies look to locate, to be here. The Bryan College Station Community is always going to be strong with that,” Cornelius said. “We’re looking to see a continued growth in food and entertainment service. Obviously, the biomedical corridor is always going to be huge and continues to grow when you have companies like Fujifilm that continue to grow and expand.”

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