Fire destroyed home in Robertson County, only family photos were salvageable

HEARNE, Texas (KBTX) – A family in Hearne lost their home to a fire on Monday.

Nichelle McClenton was running errands Monday afternoon when she received a call that her house was on fire.

“Made it home my house was in flames when my son called me I thought he was there but he wasn’t he was still in school, oh Jesus,” said McClenton.

Nichelle and her three kids lost everything except a few family photos.

“I lost everything I worked hard for,” said McClenton.

The Hearne Volunteer Fire Department says they first received a call around 4 p.m. on Monday and were on the scene in six minutes.

The fire began in the attic and multiple volunteer fire departments helped out including Calvert Volunteer Fire Department, Franklin Volunteer Fire Department, Blackjack Volunteer Fire Department, and Robertson County EMS.

Hearne Fire Department said the fire was extinguished at 6:15 p.m.

The family of four was renting the home and did not have renter’s insurance which has made picking up the pieces very difficult.

KBTX spoke with Katie Gallan, Director of Education and Community Engagement with Better Business Bureau about the importance of making sure people have renters insurance as a safety net.

“Even if it’s not your fault, or if it’s the landlord’s fault, or it’s just some other thing where it’s neither of your faults, but still your property. Your personal belongings are not going to be replaced under anybody else’s policy,” said Gallan.

Gallan stresses the need to have renters insurance.

“Because if you’re weighing the difference of what’s the cost of paying this renter insurance every single month or replacing every single thing that you own that’s inside of this dwelling. If you kind of weigh it that way, it might help make a little more sense,” said Gallan.

McClenton said the American Red Cross provided the family a voucher to start rebuilding their belongings.

If you would like to offer help, here is a GoFundMe that was created to help with expenses.

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