Experts warn of used car scams as tax returns roll in

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Buying a car can be exciting and ultimately, makes someone’s life easier. But an increase in used car scams during tax return season can do quite the opposite.

“You’ll see a lot of used cars hit the market where the down payment price or even the whole price of the vehicle is right at the average tax return so it might be to $2,000, $3,000 for that down payment.” Blake Jennings, the Founder and President of OnRamp said.

Some people are waiting anxiously for that check to hit their account, so they can hit that buy button. But, Jennings says this is the time for people to slow down.

“Especially on Facebook Marketplace, there’s nothing to keep them from scamming out of your money. So just trying to slow people down be patient. That’s actually our booklet’s last piece of advice is to be patient that will save 99% of time,” he said.

The Better Business Bureau also has resources that can help those looking to buy a used car. Especially, when those deals are too good to be true.

“A lot of times we’re going to see the ‘this deal is only good for today’, you know, really try to rush you to make those purchases and we really want to encourage you to just take a step back don’t get rushed into making any purchases whatever it is, but especially something is as big as you know a vehicle,” Katie Galan, the BBB Director of Education and Community Relations, said.

If you do find yourself in possession of a vehicle you didn’t intend to purchase, Galan says they may be able to help.

“Once you make an official complaint with us, we step in as an unbiased third party and we serve as a mediator between the consumer and the dealership to try to come to some sort of resolution. We’re both parties are satisfied,” she said.

A booklet and checklist from OnRamp can be found here. BBB resources for buying a used car can be found here.

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