Democratic and Republican Party of Brazos County chairs react to President Biden withdrawing from presidential race

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – After President Joe Biden announced he would drop out from the 2024 presidential race on Sunday, just a few months before voters cast their ballot, KBTX spoke to the Democratic and Republican Party chairs to get their thoughts.

Thomas Cavaness, Chairman of the Brazos County Democratic Party, said he knew there was growing pressure to withdraw from the race, but that he was ready to support him in the election. He says he will support who ever the nominee will be.

“From what I’ve seen so far, there is wide support of Kamala Harris as our next Democratic nominee for President. And I think with her energy and her experience, I think that that’s going to be a real asset to the party,” said Cavaness.

Cavaness said he heard from some activists Sunday who were disappointed Biden dropped out, but he says many are excited and are hoping this will bring new life to the campaign.

He urges anyone who wants to get involved with the party to go to their website, Cavaness says the office will be open Monday for people who want to pick up yard signs with the candidates names. The signs do include Biden, Cavaness says once a nominee is named, they’ll come up with a fix.

On the Republican side, Russ Ford, who is chair of the Republican Party of Brazos County said he understands it must have been a very hard decision for Biden to make, one that he respects.

“We are in a time of great uncertainty and we need a plan moving forward to get back to a sense of normalcy,” Ford said. “I watched the debate with a number of people and I knew there was concern on the part of their party, so I’m not totally surprised, but yes I was not expecting this and I was not expecting it today for certain.”

Numerous Republicans have called for Biden to resign as president. When asked if Biden should step down here is what Ford said.

“I’m certain he’s surrounded by good people, but we don’t elect the president to be surrounded by good people we elect the president, because of the enormous responsibility of basically having your finger on the button we want the right guy there,” Ford said. “I think he’ll make a good decision, I suspect that’s under consideration right now.”

Ford said he thinks it’s going to be an “interesting time” and that former President Donald Trump is in a good position right now to reclaim the presidency.

“I think it must have been quite humbling and frightening for him, that assassination attempt, and I note with great interest he did not come out attacking the democratic party of anything like that he is instead making sure his supporters recognize we are still in this race, we have to be professional and care about the American People.”

As the Democrats look to select a new candidate for their presidential nomination Ford said he does hope the party makes a wise selection for their candidate.

“I do think the Republican Party has got their finger on the pulse of the American people right now, that they realize we are in some very challenging times,” Ford said. “I cannot image who their candidate will be, I suspect they’ll wait to make that decision at their convention. I did understand the president nominated or recommended his vice president which because I’m so interested in our southern border and security of the border I’m not sure their party and under her leadership that they’ve done a good job.”

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