College Station streets flood after heavy rain, the city says it is normal

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Heavy rains have hit College Station leaving several roads underwater.

Texas A&M Civil Engineering Professor Ali Mostafavi said new development in the area could be a reason why the roads are full of runoff water.

“We have seen a growth of development in the city,” Mostafavi said. “That leads to a reduction in the natural land that increases water runoff “

Experts say as new buildings and roads pop up around town, the natural landscape that absorbs rainwater decreases leaving more standing water in the roads. By adding more drainage infrastructure, Mostafavi says the city could reduce the amount of water left on the roads.

The City of College Stations Director of Planning Development Services, Anthony Armstrong said some roads have been designed to flood in order to redirect the water from buildings and homes.

“If there’s a lot of rain in a very short amount of time you are going to see some flooding,” Armstrong said. “It’s normal, it’s okay, it is meant to do that.”

Armstrong says certain roads have a designated lane that is meant to hold water during heavy rains. By doing this, the city hopes to keep flood waters away from people’s property.

Armstrong still urges people to avoid high waters and stay home during intense storms that bring in a lot of rain.

“If we are having a heavy rain to the point where the roads are flooding it’s a good sign to get indoors and out of the road network,” Armstrong said.

Flooding roads may be normal but if flood waters reach your house, contact the city for help.

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