City of Bryan officials report success of early flood detection system during recent heavy rains

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The City of Bryan’s early flood detection system was triggered during Sunday’s rainfall.

The flood detection system helps to alert drivers to high water on the roads. Sensors monitor water levels, and when that level is too high, warning lights are activated.

There are around 20 early flood detection sites throughout the city. According to city officials, two were triggered during the heavy rains, one near the Copperfield subdivision, the other off Richard Street.

Assistant city engineer Sam Vernon said city employees were sent out to check on those sites to verify what the system was reporting. Overall, he said the system and its performance is ‘a win for the citizens of Bryan.’

“I think having a system like this in place should help us to feel a little more confident during these types of events. Now, what I would say is that the systems are only as good as the drivers that actually heed the warnings,” Vernon said.

A spokesperson from AAA Texas said it only takes around 1/12 of an inch of water to affect the traction on your car’s tires. When driving on wet roads, taking it slow can help you avoid crashes or entering a skid.

“You’re going to need more reaction time if roadways are wet. And then if you get into a skid, avoid slamming on your brakes,” spokesperson Daniel Armbruster said.

The City of Bryan’s early flood detection system is just one way to monitor if roads are safe enough to drive on. Vernon encourages drivers to take those warnings seriously.

“There are many alternative routes that a person can take. And that, is it worth making that detour rather than risking your life?” he said.

Armbruster said drivers should also avoid crossing any roads with high water.

“Not only could you end up in a dangerous situation where your vehicle takes on water, it could also cause extensive damage to your vehicle,” he added.

If you see flashing lights on one of the flood detection signs, that means there is an unsafe road ahead. The safest thing to do is “Turn Around, Don’t Drown,” and find a new route to take.

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