City employees test their fitness level against firefighters

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) -Throughout this week, College Station city employees got to test their fitness level against firefighters.

City employees participated in the College Station Fire Department’s fitness training.

The training is an entry-level physical agility test that happened Monday through Thursday. The tests feature firefighter workouts like climbing a ladder, carrying a hose for a distance of 75 feet, and crawling through a 20-foot tube.

The city’s wellness committee was formed this year to educate and inform employees on physical and mental wellness.

The committee partnered with the Fire Department as part of their wellness initiatives.

“It’s just a fun way to either do it with your co-workers and compete, or to even see a baseline of where you’re at, or see where you are compared to other firefighters,” said Courtney Revilla, the Wellness Coordinator for the city of College Station.

“We try, the city of College Station, to push the mantra that this is one city, one team, and this is just an example of that. An example of our Fire Department inviting in other folks, letting them work with them, participating in this activity, and what a really great opportunity it is for our organization to promote wellness and that benefits everybody,” said College Station’s city manager, Bryan Woods.

About 50 of the city’s employees participated in the fire department fitness training this year.

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