Citizens gather outside Grimes County Courthouse to pray for peace and unity

ANDERSON, Texas (KBTX) – More than 1,300 miles separate Butler, Pennsylvania, and Grimes County, Texas but following the assassination attempt of Former President Donald Trump at a weekend rally, the mayor of Anderson knew something had to be done.

“We were feeling pretty down here in the county and I know across Texas and the nation others were feeling the same, that the nation right now is maybe directionless,” said Mayor Marc Benton. “There’s some things out of our control but I felt that it was important to get back to the roots of our national and the faith that it is based on and organize a prayer vigil.”

Mayor Benton reached out to local religious leaders for help and together they all organized a community prayer event hosted Tuesday evening on the steps of the historic Grimes County Courthouse.

“In a time like this, it just brings back faith and hope., which is kind of what we’re missing and people are talking about unity right now but I think you need to look deeper internally first and I think prayer helps you get there,” said the Mayor.

One of the ministers helping with the event was Mac Vaughn who says we all need this was an effort to bring the community together.

“It’s because people are lacking hope, and they’re expecting someone else to do it. This is going to be a call to action for people to get off their ‘rusty-dusties’ and get out and start witnessing to the love of Christ. We have the power of the cross and we can’t forget that.”

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