Bryan police respond to two separate incidents where minors were approached by someone with a gun

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Bryan police responded to two separate incidents where minors were approached by someone armed with a gun while they were walking home.

On Friday night, a minor was dropped off in walking distance of his home off Tabor Road, north of Highway 21. While walking to his house, he was approached by three suspects, one with a weapon.

“[The] juvenile was able to run home, run away, where the family was able to call 9-1-1 and officers responded,” said Seth Waller, the Bryan Police Public Information Officer.

On Saturday night, there was another incident just 4 minutes away. Another minor was approached by suspects with a weapon near Highway 21 and 18th Street.

“[A] juvenile had noticed a suspicious vehicle while he was playing basketball and this juvenile decided, ‘Hey, I think it’s time to get out of there’ and started walking home. This vehicle then approached the juvenile subject and occupants within the vehicle displayed some firearms,” said Waller.

Bryan police say the minor ran home, tell his family, and call 9-1-1.

“[The] juvenile was able to make it home where family called 9-1-1 on that one and officers responded,” said Waller.

Both minors reported the incidents to the police, but no suspects have been arrested at this time.

Police say it is unknown whether these incidents are related.

The Bryan Police Department has several tips on staying safe if in a similar situation.

Avoiding walking alone is the best way to deter a scary situation. If a child is walking home, police recommend parents have a way to contact them. If they have a cell phone, they should keep it on them. If someone approaches with a weapon, police say the best thing to do is stay calm, comply, try to run to the nearest safe building or home, and call 9-1-1.

“Talk to your kids about being aware of their surroundings, always pay attention to what is going on around them- any suspicious vehicles, any suspicious people. A lot of people think they are bothering us if they call, but call us, let us come out and check it out, talk to them, and see what is going on. If they do feel that something suspicious is going on have them [your kids] walk the shortest route home, stay on the sidewalks,” said Waller. “Always try to walk with somebody, have pairs, if you have a friend or whatnot, if you own a cell phone, keep that phone on you so you can call 9-1-1, always walk in a populated area if possible.”

Bryan police say to report any incident as soon as possible and try to remember what the suspect looks like so you can give a detailed description.

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