Bryan City Council takes next step in finalizing 2025 property tax rate

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – At Tuesday’s meeting the Bryan city council voted to approve the proposed property tax rate ahead of two public hearings in September.

However, the rate isn’t finalized just yet. The vote from council essentially set a cap for the 2025 fiscal year’s property tax rate at 62.4 cents per $100 of valuation.

“You can move the tax rate at those times down, but not up, from what you proposed,” said former chief financial officer Will Smith at the meeting.

Currently, the tax rate remains unchanged from last year.

“There’s a chance, based upon what we’ll hear from our fiscal people, as well as public hearings, that we could reduce it, but we cannot go above that rate,” mayor pro tem James Edge expanded.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re paying less. The city’s proposed budget for next year estimates a near 5% increase in property tax revenue from last year, around $3 million more.

Edge said this will help fund some of the most essential city services.

“A large majority of it is personnel, and a large majority is public safety. It’s police and fire. So, we have to be careful because we want to make sure… That the things that are most important to the citizens of Bryan are public safety,” explained Edge.

There are two public hearings scheduled for the tax rate, on September 10 and Sept. 17. Residents will have an opportunity to provide feedback to city leaders, with the rate being finalized by council at the latter date.

The Bryan city council gave their seal of approval to other agenda items as well.

Designation of HONEYWELL Reinvestment Zone No. 33

Council voted unanimously to designate the HONEYWELL Reinvestment Zone no. 33, which allows for a property tax abatement. The designation covers around 25 acres of land.

Amending agreement with Infinity Sports Entertainment

The agreement between the City of Bryan and Infinity Sports Entertainment, the parent company of the Brazos Valley Bombers, was updated to include the verbal agreement from the July 18 council meeting.

At the July meeting, council voted to rescind its notice of termination under the condition that the city can issue a request for proposals 60 days after that meeting.

A request for proposals is almost like a ‘reverse auction.’ Businesses, contractors, and other organizations submit bids to the city for potential projects.

Right now, the Bombers have exclusive use of Edible Field, but the city could ask businesses to suggest a change in that arrangement as early as next month.

Still, there is room for negotiation.

“I feel like we can continue to negotiate towards the future, and for now, most importantly, there’s a ’25 season,” Bombers owner Uri Geva added at the July meeting.

The vote was unanimous.

Extend LaSalle Hotel revitalization agreement

For a second time, council voted to extend its agreement with the company overseeing the revitalization of the LaSalle Hotel into a Marriott Tribute. City officials said the extension was brought on by ‘delays caused by third parties.’

The completion deadline is now set for December 31, 2024.

Ratifying code of ethics for elected/ appointed officials

Council also ratified a code of ethics for elected and appointed officials within the city. The code of ethics breaks down areas such as conflicts of interest, rules around accepting gifts, and steps to address violations.

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