Rudder High School seniors offer freshmen advice on their last first day

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Students at Rudder High School were welcomed back with a celebration Tuesday.

Administrators were excited to host the welcome party where the band played and cheer squad chanted as students entered the building.

“We want them to enjoy high school and want to be here, and just know the teachers work hard and everyone has their best interests in mind,” said Principal Rachel Layton.

Drumline band students played music as parents made their way through the drop off line.

“I told my cheer coach that I wanted to welcome everybody,” senior Kendall Gibson shared. “I was a freshman, too, and I felt nervous once.”

Seniors were given the opportunity to speak with freshman earlier in the week and give them words of advice.

Senior Brooklynn Bosquez added, “Don’t follow. Be a leader. Follow your passions, never give up, always [be] positive.”

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