Missing Memorials Part Three: Families getting money back from Temple cemetery owner after months of silence

TEMPLE, Texas (KWTX) – Families who have been fighting relentlessly for answers from the owner of Bellwood Memorial Park Cemetery in Temple are finally getting some.

KWTX had a face-to-face conversation with the owner for the first time since we started investigating this cemetery nearly a year ago.

The owner, Ray Harper, declined to be interviewed on camera but he did detail his efforts to fix the issues we have reported extensively on in this series.

In our last report, Harper told KWTX that he was in the process of selling some land and that would pay for a complete restoration.

He says that land has since sold and his first priority was refunding or fulfilling any outstanding orders.

Harper says that part has been taken care of and now his focus is on putting money into landscaping and maintenance.

As for the families, they see the refund as a band-aid fix for years worth of scars. And even with the money back in their accounts, they face new challenges in trying to figure out what to do next.

WEB XTRA: Missing Memorials Part 2

For two and a half years, the Jarosek family has fought in the dark trying to keep their son’s memory alive. And after exhausting every effort for answers, they decided to write a formal letter demanding their money back.

“I believe it was June 26 when I sent the letter and I got the check on the 28th. It was an emotional rollercoaster,” says Shelby Jarosek.

Even with the money back, the weight of their trauma continues to pull them down as they try to move forward.

“I don’t think it’ll ever be a happy place. We’re not 100% sure if we want to keep the plot, I don’t even know what that looks like in those regards. So we’re just not sure what to do yet,” Shelby says.

Per their lawyer, their battle with the cemetery ends with the refund. They can no longer pursue any charges or suits against the owner.

“If he were to go up against anything we could be witnesses,” Shelby explains and confirms that they would be prepared to do that, if it’s needed.

The Miller family lost their patriarch in August 2022. Tina Miller chose Bellwood so her husband could rest forever next to his father. She says it only took 6-8 months before she stopped hearing from Harper.

Miller’s fight is similar to the Jarosek’s and everyone else who has been interviewed for this series.

When Miller heard that the Jarosek’s got their money back, she was on a mission to finally her family a resolution too.

“I noticed their were people at the cemetery so I decided to stop by. The secretary was there. He, Ray, happened to not be there at the time. Secretary said he was running some errands and he would be back shortly. I told them I’ll wait,” Miller explained.

When she was able to talk to Harper, he offered to help her get the order for the headstone placed but Miller immediately declined, “I said absolutely not. You’ve had two years.”

And she walked out of the office with a check in her hand. But her fight for peace, too, is far from over. The money isn’t easy to come up with in the first place and now they are prepared to come out of pocket hundreds of dollars more.

“We’re now at almost two years later, prices have gone up. It’s going to be about $1,200 more to get almost exactly what we ordered originally,” Miller says.

So they can finally close this chapter and have a place to honor their husband and father.

And Shelby says that she’ll take the refund but too much damage has been done for her to feel satisfied with this result.

“Still feels like your head is barely above water type of thing,” Shelby says.

“Just stop and put yourself in my father-in-law’s shoes and then put your daughter in my shoes. Like how would that have made you feel if somebody you were trusting with almost three grand to take care of your grandson at the time. How would that make you feel?”

According to Harper, every outstanding order has been paid back in full or the order has been fulfilled.

If you have someone you love at Bellwood Memorial Park Cemetery and are still waiting for a resolution, Harper says he is at the office and ready to take any calls from customers.

You can also email KWTX Reporter: Madison.Herber@KWTX.com

The Texas Department of Banking says the Emergency Cease & Desist that was filed at the beginning of this year is still in effect.

For our previous coverage on this story, you can find part 1 and part 2 on our website.

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