Brazos Valley Community Band recruiting for upcoming season

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – As the Brazos Valley Community Band (BVCB) gets amped up for its 2024-2025 season, this is a budding musician’s chance to participate.

Dan and Richard with BVCB said the band is for musicians who have experience with an instrument in the past.

“[Experience] Could have been a long time ago, but just have some experience on your instrument. We’re wind instruments, so that would be anywhere from your woodwinds, brass winds, and percussion,” Dan encouraged.

Richard told KBTX he joined the band shortly after moving to the Brazos Valley.

“I was a band director in the North Texas area and then I moved down here. I brought a Georgia Peach into town, but ultimately we both bleed maroon now and so I just wanted to do something. I retired from band directing and I needed to get out of the house,” recalled Richard.

For budding local musicians, Dan said anyone is welcome to come by to rehearsals.

“If you’re interested, we have open rehearsals. You can come on by. We start next Monday, and we’d love to have you,” Dan added.

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