Bryan teen brainstorms Aggieland Safari movie night

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Aggieland Safari will host its first-ever movie night filled with food, popcorn, and George the giraffe.

On Friday, August 9, the safari invites everyone to come out and enjoy an outdoor screening of Madagascar.

This idea came from one of the youngest employees at the safari, 16-year-old Chelsea Lane.

“I was just sitting out here working, selling feed for George. I just thought, ‘hey this is a really big open space, we have plenty of room. Why not do something with it?’” Chelsea pondered. “A movie would be pretty cool out here. “

Just like that, Night at the Safari was born.

“It was like having a little light bulb go off,” said Aggieland Safari manager, Matthew McIntyre. “I was like, ‘wow, that’s a really good idea.’”

Now, Aggieland Safari plans on hosting a movie night each month.

“It’s honestly really, really cool that I’m making such a big influence in such a big place with ideas I didn’t think would go that far,” Chelsea added.

Gates will open at 7 p.m. and the movie will start at 7:45 p.m. Movie tickets will be included in safari ticket prices on Friday, but for those only looking to catch the movie, tickets will be sold for $5.00.

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