Texas A&M Faculty Senate to meet with Acting President over suspended professor

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Following a meeting with Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp, the Faculty Senate is now calling a meeting with Acting President Mark Welsh III to discuss academic freedom and freedom of speech at the university.

In a letter sent to the senate Thursday, Speaker of the Faculty Senate Tracy Hammond said there are concerns about how a professor’s suspension was handled.

An investigation was launched into Joy Alonzo, an opioid expert and professor, after she gave a lecture on the opioid crisis at the University of Texas Medical Branch. During the talk, a student accused her of criticizing Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and UTMB quickly issued a statement condemning her remarks. She has since returned to her full duties after A&M officials said the professor’s remarks were mischaracterized and taken out of context.

“Such action gave the appearance that an accusation from a student or other individuals would assume that the faculty member was guilty and would be reprimanded immediately, and that the faculty member would need to be proven innocent before reprimands could be undone and the faculty member exonerated,” Hammond’s letter said.

The Executive Committee will be meeting with Welsh on Aug. 7. He’s also scheduled to speak to the full Faculty Senate on Aug. 14.

During their meeting with Chancellor Sharp, sources tell KBTX he shared some additional insight into the conversation he had with Patrick about UTMB’s decision to censure Alonzo. He also addressed Alonzo’s investigation and suspension at Texas A&M.

“During our conversation, the Chancellor emphasized his continued commitment to academic freedom and is supportive of our efforts to work with the university to make sure this never happens again,” the letter said.

In a response to the senate Laylan Copelin, Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications, said Sharp did not interfere with the independent investigation.

“The campus conducted an independent investigation with no interference from Chancellor John Sharp. Furthermore, Dr. Joy Alonzo says she has no issue with how the university handled her case. If the faculty wants to suggest changes to the process, Chancellor Sharp said that would be up to Acting President Mark Welsh and the university community since the Chancellor’s Office does not dictate those policies to our 11 universities,” Copelin’s statement said.

The full Faculty Senate letter is below.

Faculty Senate Letter by KBTX on Scribd

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