‘It’s going to stop an intruder’: Calvert ISD changes exterior windows to ensure student, staff safety

CALVERT, Texas (KBTX) – While school districts across the country have vowed to make safety a top priority after more than 1,200 school shootings just within this decade, Calvert ISD is doing so by changing out its windows.

This summer Calvert ISD took steps to make its schools safer by adding stronger glass to exterior windows in an effort to keep intruders out.

“We can’t [predict] the future or what is going to happen, but all we can do is prepare, and that’s our job; to make sure our students are safe,” said Calvert ISD Superintendent Latisha Crockett-Tennell.

A small group with members of law enforcement and the school district headed out to the shooting range for a demonstration by the team at CoolVu of College Station to show just how tough it is getting through the glass.

Calvert ISD tests new exterior windows

“This is truly impactful stuff here. It’s not just gonna slow down an intruder, it’s going to stop an intruder,” said CEO of CoolVu, Clayton Summerall.

During the test the team used assault rifle style guns and sledge hammers to test the strength of the new glass.

“Whenever you get out in the field and actually pull the trigger and see the impact that these things are doing, it’s absolutely insane,” Summerall described.

The upgrades to the school don’t end with just the the glass around the building. Calvert ISD told KBTX additions have been made in other ways as well.

“One of the first things we were able to do was hire an SRO (school resource officer). This will be his full year starting this year, so we’re excited about that, then just the safety of the building,” added Supt. Crockett-Tennell.

Supt. Crockett-Tennell said the district is doing all it can to continue making safety and security a top priority.

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