Focus at Four: Expert on President Joe Biden dropping out of election

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become the latest Democrat to throw her support behind Vice-President Kamala Harris for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Biden’s decision to step aside comes after weeks of mounting pressure following his disastrous debate performance.

Kirby Goidel, a political science professor at Texas A&M University, joined First News at Four on Monday to discuss yet another turn in the presidential election, which is taking place in just four months.

Goidel said that after the debate, Biden and his supporters could no longer deny the issues they were facing.

“There were some people who were saying he’s better off than you think he is. He’s doing great behind the scenes. When he’s doing individual conversations, he’s fine. But the debate – there was no denying it. At that point, it was very clear he was no longer prepared or he was no longer in the condition that people thought he needed to be in order to be president. Not just next year, but especially four years out,” he said.

At a time when politics have polarized many in America, Goidel said that this now gives Democrats hope for the future of the election.

“Democrats were depressed. They were dealing with a candidate who was not living up to expectations. He was not being very coherent, he was not being very forceful. He was not being very energetic and they were worried. They felt like they lost the election. Now, does that fundamentally change everything? I don’t know, but it certainly gives them hope,” he said.

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