‘Power in a transformed life’: True events inspire Bryan minister to write all ages book

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – As all sorts of events can inspire the masses, one instance close to a decade ago stuck out to a Bryan ministry, leading to the production of a book.

It was 2015 when some children brought Patricia Hefti, a local children’s minister, an injured bird at an SOS Ministries picnic.

“The bird was being killed, essentially, by a blue jay, and these children picked it up, shooed the blue jay away, picked it up, and brought it to me and said, ‘would you please do something, Ms. Patricia,’” Hefti recalled.

Hefti told KBTX she took the bird in and nurtured it back to health with the support of others.

“The bird was eventually restored, and its flight feathers grew in and eventually flew away,” said Hefti.

This inspired Hefti to write Jay’s Tale because the story echoes a journey shared by many.

“I realized what happened with this bird is exactly what the mission of SOS Ministries is,” Hefti began. “To rescue, restore, and release.”

The author has been a member of the church for 18 years and said the ministry and its founder, JJ Ramirez have guided many to healing.

“There’s a power in a transformed life, and when you see people’s lives transformed, it just transforms your life also,” encouraged Ramirez.

Hefti worked on the book for four years and recently surprised Ramirez with it at his 30th ministry anniversary celebration.

“True leadership is inspired leadership, and when you see people’s lives being inspired by your life it’s an incredible sense to know that you are helping people’s lives,” Ramirez took pride. “It was a great surprise.”

While taking in each page, both Ramirez and Hefti said they want readers to remember there’s hope.

“God loves us where we are, but He doesn’t leave us there,” added Hefti. “He wants to see change and progress.”

For more information about Jay’s Tale and purchasing options, follow this link. All proceeds are promised to SOS Ministries in Bryan.

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