Grimes County town recovering after Beryl

Plantersville, Texas (KBTX) – Grimes County is in recovery after Hurricane Beryl blew through causing a widespread power outage.

Many businesses and homes do not have power as of July 9 and residents say it could take up to a week before the lights come back on.

Along with the loss of power, several gas stations are experiencing a supply shortage that left hundreds of people scrambling to find gas.

“We had to drive all the way to get gas for one car,” Montgomery resident Cleo Brooks said. “We ran out of gas in this car so we barely made it.”

Cars lined up down Highway-105 for a chance at the pump. Brooks said it took over an hour to reach the front of the line.

“There’s a run on gas because of the weather we just recently had, so nobody’s got gas,” Brooks said after filling up his car.

Down the road, those not looking for gas were looking for a distraction from the stresses of the storm.

Family Farm in Plantersville opened its gates to the public despite having no power. Admission was free for all families looking to escape the heat of their homes. Admission will also be free on June 10.

“We got a wade-pool out here so they can come and get cool, we got giant bubbles, we got race car tracks, they can come fishing,” Family Farm Owner Sandra Kuta said. “There’s lots of entertainment for them to come enjoy so they are not stuck in the house.”

Kuta encourages families with no power to escape their homes and enjoy a day on the farm.

“It’s a lot of fun,” the Ytreeide family said. “The kids had a great time.”

In a time of uncertainty, kindness like Kutas helps Grimes County weather the storm.

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