Investigators: Man arrested after investigators find AI-created nude of minor

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas (KBTX) – Artificial Intelligence is not only the technology of the future, experts say it’s here and a local arrest is highlighting how bad actors are taking advantage. A Montgomery County man has bonded out of jail after being arrested for possessing child pornography.

Investigators with the Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3 Office located 30-year-old Roman Shoffner with a nude photo of a 17-year-old girl. This photo wasn’t real, even though the teenager is.

Public Information Officer for the Constable’s Office, Ken Washington, said the teen didn’t even know the photo existed and the two had never met.

“What it was is an actual 17-year-old’s head that had been modified and placed on the body of a nude individual and that was what he had in his possession,” Washington said. “We don’t believe that the 17-year-old actually knew Roman.”

A deep fake law is on the books in Texas, one of only 11 states to have laws about this kind of AI-generated media.

It’s so new, the law went into effect less than a year ago, but it’s one of the only ways Shoffner could be charged for violating the minor.

“Because of the modifications to the law, that’s what allowed the detectives that were investigating to use that specific charge,” Washington said.

This is a hard crime to keep up with because it’s so new, and retired investigator Donnie Manry says it’s growing fast.

“This is the tip of the iceberg. Now that we have AI it’s so easy for anybody with basic computer skills, if that much, to be able to use AI to create images and modify images even adding voices to them,” he said. “You used to say ‘I’m not gonna believe it until I can see it with my own eyes,’ right? Well, you can’t trust those anymore. It doesn’t matter if you see it with your own eyes, it still may not be real.”

Not only is it hard for lawmakers to keep up with, but avoiding victimization is the next challenge.

“Parents be parents. Look over your kids’ shoulders. I don’t care what their age, look over. Check on them. If you have a question about their devices, or if you think there’s something improper going on, check it. They may get ticked right now, but they may thank you,” Manry said.

“Make sure you have the security settings on your profile. Don’t just send your pictures out anywhere on social media,” Washington said.

Shoffner bonded out of the Montgomery County Jail. He is being charged with possession of child pornography.

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