City of College Station, Twin City Mission partner in program to combat homelessness

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The City of College Station is partnering with Twin City Mission to launch a program designed to help people facing housing insecurity by giving them the tools to become self-sufficient.

It’s called the L.E.A.D Program, which stands for lifeline for stability, empowerment through education, access to resources and dedicated support system.

The program is funded by a nearly $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the HOME Investment Partnership Program, which is part of the American Rescue Plan.

After pandemic-era rent assistance funding dried up, the City of College Station looked for a sustainable solution to help those at risk of losing their homes support themselves. After extensive research, Twin City Mission was selected as the recipient and partner for the project.

“We weren’t really fixing the issue of helping them stay housed. We were just putting the Band-Aid on it,” Community Development Analyst Raney Whitwell said.

The program, which is only open to College Station residents, is a three-month process.

“We’ll pay their rent for three months, and then they will in turn go through the financial counseling with us and the benefits navigation,” Twin City Mission CEO Dorothy Nevill said.

While rent assistance still plays a part, it’s a chance for participants to learn good financial habits while being supported with other services, such as counseling.

“The whole purpose of the program is to create sustainability and stability for that individual, for that family, so they don’t end up back in that same situation,” Nevill said.

A ribbon-cutting is being held on Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. at College Station City Hall in the Bush 4141 meeting room. More information on how to confirm attendance can be found here. Regional representatives from HUD will be in attendance, and a short reception will take place.

College Station residents interested in participating in the L.E.A.D. program can access the application on Twin City Mission’s website, or can call their office at (979) 260-7336.

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