George H.W. Bush’s grandchildren participate in 8,000-feet skydive

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Former president George H.W. Bush was known for celebrating his birthdays in a big way.

One was skydiving four times starting at the age of 75.

His family did the same Thursday during the 41@100 celebrations. The former president’s son Neil Bush said he felt invigorated and inspired after his jump.

“It’s a great lesson for people as they age to just live life to the fullest,” Neil Bush said.

Grandson George P. Bush also took the 8,000-foot dive and said his grandfather did it as a way to honor his past.

“The first time that he jumped out of a plane wasn’t voluntary,” George P. Bush said. “It was on a 58th combat mission over the Pacific, but he always committed that once public service ended for him, that he wanted to do it the right way.”

Some of the veterans who jumped with the former president even did the same for his family.

“I know that he’s looking down from above along with other Bush family loved ones and rooting us on as we jump out in his honor,” George P. Bush said.

George H.W. Bush wasn’t afraid to live life, according to his grandson, so he encourages others to follow that example.

“My grandfather always said after his jumps that it’s never too late to go out there challenge yourself, do something fun and new,” George P. Bush said.

To learn more about the 41@100 celebrations, click here.

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