Food insecurity in senior citizens addressed through food delivery program

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The need for senior-specific food programs is on the rise as many seniors relying on fixed incomes are facing significantly limited buying power, especially at the grocery store.

Food insecurity impacts all ages, but the senior population faces additional roadblocks.

“They can have challenges with transportation, with mobility within their home, as well as less access to resources overall,” programs director Shannon Avila said.

The Brazos Valley Food Bank is working with community partners like Meals on Wheels to meet that need through its Senior Bag Program. While Meals on Wheels typically operates during the week, these bags are available to seniors to supplement what they may need for the weekends.

“A lot of them wouldn’t be able to make the meals themselves. So it fits that nourishment factor for them, and the noonday meal then stretches their dollars when they go to the store,” Meals on Wheels director Kenneth Barnes said.

As prices rise across the board, seniors on a fixed income are left with limited options for accessing food.

These bags are packed with senior dietary needs in mind.

“We’re always looking for low sodium, low sugar or no sodium, no sugar items. Seniors typically have chronic conditions or factors that mean that they really shouldn’t have sugar and salt,” Avila said.

Community members deliver these bags and other meals across the Brazos Valley. Seniors without access to transportation are paid a visit almost daily, offering them an important mental health benefit in addition to the financial benefits.

“They have a familiar face coming to the door every day. They mention that people by names how much they love so and so coming to see them every day,” Barnes said.

Senior-specific items aren’t the only ones needed during the Summer Hunger Food Drive. Click here for more information on what, and how, to give.

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