Texas A&M Police dog Jackie retires after 6 years on the job

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – A Texas A&M police dog retired Thursday after six years on the force. Her name is K9 Jackie.

John Browning, Jackie’s handler, says she started with the Texas A&M Police Department in 2017.

“K-9s for cops donated her to us and she went through an extensive training program in California and then she continued training with us here on campus for explosive detection,” Browning said.

Browning says during Jackie’s time on the force, she has had the opportunity to do a lot of really cool things including working at the Super Bowl, the World Series and attending every A&M home football game.

”She was trained to actually track through crowds of people, to somebody who is wearing or carrying an explosive and she has since transitioned to a single purpose which is just the stationary bombs,” Browning said.

Browning says, as a handler, he has had the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people through her work.

Jackie will enjoy the rest of her retirement with her Browning as a family dog.

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