Bryan High School students organize event to encourage tobacco-free lifestyle

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – A Bryan High School club will host a community event Saturday, encouraging the younger generation to stay tobacco-free.

The event is entirely student-led thanks to Vikings Kicking Out Tobacco, a Bryan High Club sharing their message of a tobacco-free lifestyle on and off campus.

Their event lines up with Texas Tobacco-Free Kids Day, a statewide initiative providing education on the dangers of tobacco use.

The free event will be held at Henderson Park, and features bounce houses, carnival games, train rides and booths from local organizations such as BVCASA.

Club president Lacey Garcia said it’s about showing kids that they can break the cycle of addiction.

”Us doing what we do really shows to kids and peers our age that there is another option than going down the route of drug abuse, or just partaking in harmful substances,” she said.

The event is open to the public, and runs from 11-2 p.m..

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