Athletes preparing to showcase skills at Special Olympics Spring Games in College Station

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Hundreds of athletes will be in College Station Saturday for the Area 6 Special Olympics Spring Games.

It’ll be happening at College Station High School and Wellborn Middle School.

One athlete who has his eyes on the prize is A&M Consolidated High School senior Austin Madore.

He’s been preparing for months to participate in the 100-meter dash and the mini javelin throw.

The athlete qualified for the state competition last year and hopes to return.

“On Thursday after school, we have to go to the different school to do track,” Madore said. “The javelineers, we had to do running and we had to do the sandpit.”

Although it’s a lot of work, Madore said support from coaches like Randi Daniel has made the process easier.

“Just like a regular track practice, we stretch and we make sure that we’re practicing how to start, how to finish, how to stay in your lane, how to throw correctly and then how to improve your throws so we’re constantly working on something,” Daniel said.

More than the metals and competition, Daniel loves the growth and the confidence built through this experience.

“Special Olympics competitions, practices and events are a way for people to shatter those ceilings and totally blow away those judgments to say you’re wrong, you’re wrong about me, this is what I can do and so when I get to be out there and I get to see that celebration, it means a lot,” Daniel said.

Daniel also serves as a Spring Games director and said about 150 volunteers are still need for Saturday’s events.

Prior experience isn’t needed and shifts are available in the morning and the afternoon.

“Even if people hop on our website and they see oh I can’t be there for that long or I can be there till 10 a.m. or something like that, that’s totally fine and we still want to encourage people to come out and help as they’re able if they’re ready and willing,” Daniel said.

To sign up, click here.

Walk-up volunteers will also be accepted.

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