Be Remarkable: Hearne woman described as remarkable wife, mom, sister

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Every other week, KBTX and Daniel Stark Law recognize a person, people, or an organization doing remarkable things in our community and this week it’s a bond between two sisters that is deserving of a spotlight.

Juana Arredondo of Hearne is a mother of five, including newborn twins, who has been the support system for all those around her.

Her sister, Avana Vega, says Juana has always been like this, even in their youth when they lost their mother. Avana was only 5 when it happened and she says Juana immediately took on a motherly role for the siblings.

“She’s just one of the most incredible people I know. She has been through so much in life and she always is everybody’s rock, even whenever she’s going through so many things, she’s still there for everyone,” said Avana.

Recently, Juana has been through a lot. Not long ago, her husband was involved in a horrible crash where he suffered serious injuries, including broken bones. She’s been there by his side and there for everyone else. They’ve also recently welcomed twins to the family: Edgar and Eli.

Avana says her sister’s a strong woman of faith, who works hard and has good values.

“She’s always stepped up for everyone, even when life gets hard,” praises Avana.

The “Be Remarkable” award is a joint initiative between KBTX-TV and Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers.

If you have someone you want to nominate for our Be Remarkable campaign click here!

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