Bryan city councilwoman, attorney receives community spotlight award

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – A Bryan City Councilwoman and local attorney was honored Wednesday with the prestigious Community Spotlight Award for her contributions to our community.

The American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) presented Marca Ewers-Schurtleff with the 2024 Community Spotlight award, a recognition part of the 2024 Woman of the Year program, which aims to celebrate local members who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and made significant contributions to the ABWA league, their profession, and in their community.

“As women, we are often forced into a box based on other people’s perceptions- but I’m here to tell you today that my journey – and yours – is about breaking out of boxes and stereotypes and using every bit of talent God gave us to make this world a better place not only for ourselves but for the next generation,” said Ewers-Shurtleff

Since its establishment in 1953, ABWA has acknowledged numerous women with the distinguished Top Ten Business Women of ABWA award. This accolade serves to highlight a member’s professional successes, including career advancements and academic accomplishments, as well as their impactful contributions to the community and active involvement in ABWA.

“I was elected in a runoff and since being on council I have had so many opportunities to serve the City of Bryan and develop even more truly incredible friendships and relationships. I have returned to my early calling for public service and can honestly say I’m more fulfilled than ever,” said Ewers-Shurtleff.

More details about the event and other honors presented today are shared in the post below.

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