Couple receives lifetime achievement award for work with incarcerated veterans

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Kenton and Priscilla Pate are receiving the Texas Governor’s Lifetime Achievement award for nearly three decades of service, and five years working with incarcerated veterans.

“After we finished our course that day we got outside, and, and I sat in the car and I thought, ‘I’m not the same person,’” Kenton Pate said.

Kenton Pate Ministries has offered courses in personal development and leadership since 1999. Five years ago, they got the chance to take their course to a maximum security prison.

“If I wouldn’t have done that, if I would have said no, I would have missed out on really, my purpose in life,” Priscilla Pate said.

With around 11,000 veterans incarcerated in Texas, the Pates work across the state to help them build confidence and leadership skills.

“We found this forgotten, overlooked, underserved community of veterans, we knew that we wanted to pay it forward and there was something that we could do to help bring hope,” Priscilla said.

Dozens have graduated from the program, including some on death row.

“You’re going to be fulfilled in finding your leadership role while you’re in prison because somebody needs you,” Kenton said.

In January they were told they would receive a Governor’s Lifetime Achievement award. They shared the announcement with the incarcerated veterans they worked with.

But to the Pates, it isn’t about the recognition. It’s about the lives they touch. Many of the veterans stay in contact with the Pates after their release.

“I heard them say, ‘We feel like Kenton and Priscilla care about us, care about our future. And I thought, ‘wow,’’’ Kenton said.

The Pates will be honored at the governor’s mansion in April.

Their work has taken them to 17 different countries over their years of service.

”Something has changed on the inside of me, a compassion, a desire to help these people. A love, a grace, you know, those things just manifested and I thought, ‘This is what we’re supposed to be doing,’” Kenton said.

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