Family searches for baby alpaca that escaped from trailer between CS and Waco

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – A North Texas family is asking for help from people in Central Texas to locate a missing alpaca.

But, this isn’t just an average alpaca, it is a baby, just two days old.

The Clute family has four alpacas, the baby made five. She was born Monday and needed extra care after she had trouble latching to the momma alpaca.

This is when a vet suggested the family make the drive with momma and baby from Argyle to College Station.

“We drove her and Mom down to the Texas A&M Large Animal Hospital because the vet recommended that we take her there, they would give her a plasma transfusion and then some colostrum,” Linda Clute said.

Wednesday it was time to take the pair home, making the drive back to Argyle from College Station. But when they arrived home and opened the trailer, the baby was missing and the floor had shifted in the ride.

The floorboards shuffled a little bit enough to make a small hole at the front of the trailer and all we can figure is that she fell out, a little baby fell out,” Linda said.

They retraced their steps, focusing on Interstate 35 and Highway 6. The Clute’s suspect somewhere along the drive from College Station to Waco along Highway 6, some bumps caused the floorboards to shift. But, they say it could have happened anywhere between College Station and North Dallas.

Residents and commuters are encouraged to keep an eye out along the major roadways, or even in the counties along the drive.

“It would just be nice to know, one way or the other, either someone found her and she was maybe okay and they’re helping her or and if she’s not, you know, if someone found her she’s not okay, either way, we just would like to know rather than just feeling like our little baby vanished,” she said.

Not only for the family but for the momma alpaca waiting at home too.

“She kind of wanders around looking for her. And, they hum to each other, the baby and mom, to communicate so she would walk and sort of hum, like looking for the baby,” Linda said.

If you believe you’ve seen the baby alpaca or come across it you can reach out to the Clutes at

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